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#在RotNetDataGenerator._get_batches_of_transformed_samples中添加响应代码 #增加读取网络图片的函数 class RotNetDataGenerator(Iterator): def _get_batches_of_transformed_samples(self, index_array): # create array to hold the images batch_x = np.zeros((len(index_array),) + self.input_shape, dtype='float32') # create array to hold the labels batch_y = np.zeros(len(index_array), dtype='float32') # iterate through the current batch for i, j in enumerate(index_array): if self.filenames is None: image = self.images[j] else: is_color = int(self.color_mode == 'rgb') #修改这这一块{{{{{{{{{ image = ImageScale(self.filenames[j]) if self.filenames[j][:4].lower()=="http" else cv2.imread(self.filenames[j], is_color) h,w=image.shape[:2] if h !=224 or w !=224: image = cv2.resize(image, (224, 224), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #}}}}}}}} if is_color: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if self.rotate: # get a random angle rotation_angle = np.random.randint(360) else: rotation_angle = 0 # generate the rotated image rotated_image = generate_rotated_image( image, rotation_angle, size=self.input_shape[:2], crop_center=self.crop_center, crop_largest_rect=self.crop_largest_rect ) # add dimension to account for the channels if the image is greyscale if rotated_image.ndim == 2: rotated_image = np.expand_dims(rotated_image, axis=2) # store the image and label in their corresponding batches batch_x[i] = rotated_image batch_y[i] = rotation_angle if self.one_hot: # convert the numerical labels to binary labels batch_y = to_categorical(batch_y, 360) else: batch_y /= 360 # preprocess input images if self.preprocess_func: batch_x = self.preprocess_func(batch_x) return batch_x, batch_y def ImageScale(url): resp = request.urlopen(url) image = np.asarray(bytearray(resp.read()), dtype="uint8") image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) return image |
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from __future__ import print_function
import os import numpy as np from keras.applications.imagenet_utils import preprocess_input from keras.models import load_model from utils import RotNetDataGenerator, angle_error def process_images(input_path, batch_size=64, crop=True): #需要修改模型文件位置 model = load_model("I:\\pythonProject\\RotNet\\rotnet_models\\rotnet_street_view_resnet50_keras2.hdf5", custom_objects={'angle_error': angle_error}, compile=False) extensions = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.png'] if os.path.isfile(input_path) or input_path[:4].lower()=="http": image_paths = [input_path] else: image_paths = [os.path.join(input_path, f) for f in os.listdir(input_path) if os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() in extensions] predictions = model.predict_generator( RotNetDataGenerator( image_paths, input_shape=(224, 224, 3), batch_size=batch_size, one_hot=True, preprocess_func=preprocess_input, rotate=False, crop_largest_rect=True, crop_center=True ), val_samples=len(image_paths) ) predicted_angles = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) print(predicted_angles) return predicted_angles if __name__ == '__main__': #修改测试图片位置,本地地址,或是网络图片地址 process_images("I:\\pythonProject\\RotNet\\data\\test_examples\\008999_4.jpg") |
然后通过分析百度指数的js源码发现旋转角度的公式是 angle=o/b*360
所以我们需要知道的拖动的距离就是 o=angle*360*b
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import asyncio
from pyppeteer import launch import random from correct_rotation_for_angle import process_images async def page_evaluate(page): await page.evaluate( '''() =>{ Object.defineProperties(navigator,{ webdriver:{ get: () => false } });window.screen.width=1366; }''') await page.evaluate('''() =>{ window.navigator.chrome = { runtime: {}, };}''') await page.evaluate('''() =>{ Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'languages', { get: () => ['en-US', 'en'] }); }''') await page.evaluate('''() =>{ Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'plugins', { get: () => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6], }); }''') async def main(username, password, width, height): browser = await launch({'headless': False,#可以无头 'slowMo':1.3, 'userDataDir': './userdata', 'args': [ f'--window-size={width},{height}' '--disable-extensions', '--hide-scrollbars', '--disable-bundled-ppapi-flash', '--mute-audio', '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', '--disable-gpu', '--disable-infobars' ], 'dumpio': True }) page = await browser.newPage() # 设置浏览器头部 await page.setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36") # 设置浏览器大小 await page.setViewport({'width': width, 'height': height}) # 注入js,防反爬 await page_evaluate(page) res=await page.goto('http://index.baidu.com/v2/index.html') await page.waitFor(2000) # 获取登录位置的文字,如果是登录就登录,不是就使用cookie elements = await (await(await page.querySelector('.username-text')).getProperty('textContent')).jsonValue() if elements == "登录": await page.click(".username-text") await asyncio.sleep(1.6) # 填写用户名 await page.type('.pass-text-input-userName', username) # 填写密码 await page.hover(".pass-text-input-password") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await page.mouse.down() await asyncio.sleep(random.random()) await page.mouse.up() # await page.click(".pass-text-input-password") await page.type('.pass-text-input-password', password) # 点击登录 await page.mouse.move(page.mouse._x+random.randint(50,100), page.mouse._y+random.randint(100,200), options={"step": 3}) await page.hover(".pass-button-submit") await page.mouse.down() await asyncio.sleep(random.random()) await page.mouse.up() # await page.click(".pass-button-submit") await asyncio.sleep(2) rotImg = await page.querySelector('.vcode-spin-img') # 如果有验证码就去旋转 while rotImg: img_url=await (await(rotImg).getProperty("src")).jsonValue() angle=process_images(img_url)[0] bottom_line=await (await(await page.querySelector(".vcode-spin-bottom")).getProperty("offsetWidth")).jsonValue() button_line = await (await(await page.querySelector(".vcode-spin-button")).getProperty("offsetWidth")).jsonValue() b=bottom_line-button_line move_line = angle/360*b await try_validation(page,move_line) # 停个3秒 await asyncio.sleep(3) rotImg = await page.querySelector('.vcode-spin-img') #如果有需要短信验证码的弹窗的就费了 no_in = await page.querySelector(".pass-forceverify-wrapper .forceverify-header-a") if no_in: print("有短信验证码废了") await no_in.click() # 停个2秒 await asyncio.sleep(2) cookies = await page.cookies() # 无头模式可以打印一下用户名看看能不能登录 elements = await (await(await page.querySelector('.username-text')).getProperty('textContent')).jsonValue() print(elements) await browser.close() if elements == "登录": return None return cookies async def try_validation(page, distance=308): # 将距离拆分成两段,模拟正常人的行为 distance1 = distance - 10 distance2 = 10 btn_position = await page.evaluate(''' () =>{ return { x: document.querySelector('.vcode-spin-button').getBoundingClientRect().x, y: document.querySelector('.vcode-spin-button').getBoundingClientRect().y, width: document.querySelector('.vcode-spin-button').getBoundingClientRect().width, height: document.querySelector('.vcode-spin-button').getBoundingClientRect().height }} ''') x = btn_position['x'] + btn_position['width'] / 2 y = btn_position['y'] + btn_position['height'] / 2 # print(btn_position) await page.mouse.move(x, y) await page.mouse.down() await page.mouse.move(x + distance1, y, {'steps': 30}) await page.waitFor(800) await page.mouse.move(x + distance1 + distance2, y, {'steps': 20}) await page.waitFor(800) await page.mouse.up() def baidu_login(username, password, width, height): return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main(username, password, width, height)) if __name__ == "__main__": width, height = 1366, 768 username = '你的账户' password = '你的密码' cookies = baidu_login(username, password, width, height) print(cookies) if cookies: string_cookies = "" for each in cookies: string_cookies += f"{each['name']}={each['value']};" |